Knitting with the Monsters...

My life with two toddlers and two cats, all of whom are out to drive me nuts and destroy my knitting!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

What a WEEK!

Well after such a difficult start to the weekend, we had a pretty decent week. We had a hard time accepting the sudden death of Ziggy, as expected. We couldn't really figure out a way to tell Maddie, and more importantly we really wanted to do something positive to remember Ziggy. It wasn't as if he was an older cat, he was barely two. So we decided Sunday morning to look at kittens. And of course as anyone else who has ever done and looked at kittens knows, it was irresitable. So we came home on Sunday evening with two 9 week old sisters. We've called them Eva and Zsa Zsa after the infamous Gabor sisters.

Eva is the top piccie - white with really interesting tabby spots (as if you'd lifted bits off a striped tabby!) and Zsa Zsa is the bottom piccie who is a calico, mainly black and rust with a white front and white booties. They're completely adorable!

So that was Sunday and the rest of the week Tamsin's been here from early to late in the mornings, so it's been a productive week! I've done LOADS of sorting, everything from emptying boxes to organising my STASH(!!!) in the room that will be my craft room/ a guest room as well as hubby's dressing room/also a guest room. We both like it that we have a room each for our own things and then the room we sleep in is OUR room (well aside from the fact that it's where all of my clothes are organised).

Today we had Visitors. Always puts me in a frenzy (no matter who they are) because I hate it that there are still boxes everywhere. I want it all to be like I want it - NOW!!! Everywhere I look I see painting that needs to be done, bathrooms need to be fixed, the garden needs work... Sometimes I feel like everything about this house needs to be redone and when I wake up in the morning I feel like I can do it all and when I go to sleep I feel overwhelmed. I know, I know all in good time, etc etc. Part of me is enjoying every second that I unpack and organise but it's SUCH a big job!

Ah well...

On the knitting front, I'm trucking along with a new sock, using Lornas Laces whitewater colorway in just a plain stockinette.

I'm about 2 inches down from the cuff. Also making constant progress on my booga bag which is my watch the kids knit, when we're all down in the playroom. I'm almost in need of the second ball of wool!

I need to figure out what I'm going to knit for my nephew's second birthday. I've not knit anything before for him, but my sister likes to dress her boys in dark and boyish clothes so most of my stash sort of doesn't qualify. I like knitting sweaters with really dark colors for kids with a bright color in it somewhere, so my dk purple calmer and military green all seasons cotton both need another color, and alexandra palace is getting nearer and nearer - yeay!!!!!!

I'm now watching the second x-factor show of the day. I missed most of the first one - why they put it on at 6pm when loads of parents will be either having dinner or putting babies to sleep is beyond me!!!!!

More later, maybe


At 10:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cute kitties, and very pretty sock.

At 9:17 PM , Blogger Ling said...

What gorgeous kitties! Can't wait to meet them in person!

Come by and check out my stash for anything that catches your fancy....

With regards to TV watching - get SKY PLUS. You get to pause and come back (when kids are crying!!) and you get to record progs (like when they are at unsociable hours!) Can't believe Simon Cowell voted some of the cute young men from his group! BOO!!


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