Knitting with the Monsters...

My life with two toddlers and two cats, all of whom are out to drive me nuts and destroy my knitting!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

New Computer!!!

Well obviously I'm here on our new computer. IT came yesterday and we're still playing with all the new gadgets and widgets (literally)!

Have made some progress and almost have a FO so stay tuned! Also if I get loads of free time (so probably not), I might inspect the iWeb and get a new look for my blog...

On the house front they say 6 weeks but it's been 8 already since the original offer was made. It's been even longer since we found this house and viewed it the first time... At the end of it all it'll have taken us probably 5 months since first finding this house and seeing it for the first time. I've never bought a house before so I don't know the games that people play, but thus far it's been a thoroughly UNenjoyable experience. People can be so awful and selfish and just plain arseholes and the people who are selling us the house better hope to never see us again, is all I can say, because one the sale is completed if I meet them, I'll be telling them off.

I'll probably not blog again for a while as the mood here in both the flat and in my head is pretty dismal. Usually when DH is home we manage about 2-3 waking hours before the squabbling then fighting kicks in. We're all pretty much at a pretty low point and all I can say is I can't wait for our vacation in August which is more than likely going to be a week or two after we move in. Oh joy, we'll NEED the vacation, or we'll need a divorce lawyer. God help us.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I know it's been a while since I last posted. I'm still living on borrowed computer time as this computer isn't doing well either. We have a computer on order but it's any guess when it gets here...

On the knitting front not much is happening. Ok well that's a lie I've indulged and started figuring out how to knit myself a claptois (spelling is probably wrong there but y'all know what I mean). And I know that might sound daft but I'm a pretty basic knitter and it took a few tries before I got the hang of what was actually going on!!! Now all I have to do is figure out what color to choose in the lion and lamb from Lornas Laces. Hopefully one of the shops I'm going to visit in the states will have it. I know I can get it from get knitted but I want to SEE the colors in person before I pick them this time round!!!

In other news, the flat's under offer (again) and the house situation has been resolved begrudgingly. Fingers crossed it'll all go to plan and we'll be moving in six weeks. God knows what we'll do if not.
Kiddie news is Jamie's eating baby rice (yeayyyy solids at last!) , Maddie's eating everything else. It's gotten hot here and I wish I could persuade her to wear her ponytails for longer than 30 seconds before she rips them out. I'd make her much cooler when she's running around... and they're SOOOO cute!

I just love this piccie:)

Anyhow, that's all from here. Don't be too surprised if there's a while before the next post as who knows what to expect with this computer...