Knitting with the Monsters...

My life with two toddlers and two cats, all of whom are out to drive me nuts and destroy my knitting!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Here is my very first adult sized sock!!! Included for your laughter is a close-up of the crappiest kitchener stitch - ever.

Sweet Georgia Speed Demon sock Yarn, colorway Fondant. Crappy images of the actual colors of the yarn - this short post is really to let everyone know I finished a sock!!!

Tension was between 3.25 and 3.o mm, at different times, knit with both dpns and 2 circulars.

Ribbed cuff down to heel flap were both knitted with 3.25mm - single circular because I couldn't find another one. I taught myself and it's quite easy! Got to the heel flap and needed more needles, and not being able to find my 3.25 dpns, for some reason assumed .25mm didn't make much difference, and knit flap in that. Got to gusset with 3.0mm dpns, tried it on and gee whiz, it was snug. So instead of either a) ripping out and getting 3.25s to do this whole thing properly, or b) just continuing to knit with 3.25s (becauase by this point have LOST the 3.25mm circular), I put the sock on my 12in 3.0mm addi, increased 3 st each side, thus creating a 'feature' out of the sudden increase. In my head it made sense.

Knit until I thouhgt I needed to start toe, found the 3.25mm since circular, and finished toe. All of a sudden when I tried it on near the end of decreasing for toe, have found that a) the decreases look REALLY sharp, and b)it's too small to fit my foot. Can we say WALLY? Of course as is the theme here, instead of ripping out, have decided that since my sister is owed a pair of socks and loved Desert Flower which is a Lorna's Laces colorway, I'll give her these. Oops hopefully she isn't still reading this, or forgotten I have a blog!

Next sock I PROMISE will be more 'professional'. Oh and I won't even mention how crap the kitchener stitch is.

Nuf said.

But it's MINE and it's DONE!!! Two rare things:)