Knitting with the Monsters...

My life with two toddlers and two cats, all of whom are out to drive me nuts and destroy my knitting!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Well, despite initially saying the words "yarn diet", I succumbed to the draw of all that yarn in one place. I took M and went - she was much better than expected! The show, of course was great. I only gotta few small things...

Wool for a hat that M picked out herself. She loves the color and when she is showing it off (as she did to daddy), she put it on her head saying Mommy makes me a hat! How cute is that?

Sublime - dk (the top two) and aran(the yummy chocolatey one)
6 balls in each color for more kiddie sweaters...

The cardigan I was knitting for Maddie - finished and drying! I've done the neck ribbing and tried to put in one of the sleeves... which I knit the cap wrong on. So I've had to rippppp that off and will reknit...

I love love love this kit - my best friend is having a wee one in March so I'm going ahead once I know if it's a girl or boy, I get to knit!

<---------- If you haven't been here yet, go!
socktopus !!!

We have a skein each in the orange and pinky orange to make socks for the little ones and some somoko (merino, silk and something else) for mememememe

And that's our picturetastic post for now. I must go finish work on the blue sweater - I refuse to touch any new wool until I do!!!

Oh and I'm number 877 on the ravelry waiting list...