Hello anyone,
I just figured I'd post something as it's day two since I created this blog and haven't had the chance to do anything yet.
Today was another day from hell. Two kiddies under two at home with a viewing on our flat which is just over 800sq ft. In other words, teeny tiny. The viewing was scheduled for the worst part of the day: just after nap time. Jamie who is almost 3 months old spent Maddie's naptime (she's two in a month) not napping and finally dropped off so that I could drop off and we got close to an hour before her highness woke up.
Good news is that before Jamie got grumpy he spent some time looking around doing nothing at all so I was able to get some knitting done. Which is what I REALLY want to blog about, besides my boring thoughts on my day and motherhood. I'm currently working on my first sock in the most hideous colors I've ever seen - okay it's not the most hideous colors... and when I get myself together I'll start posting images But the wool was free and a gift from my MIL who is very thoughtful. She knew I was interested in knitting socks and being a longtime knitter gave me a pattern (which I'm not using) and a large ball of Regia 4ply that she found in a post office in Germany on their last trip. She got it for a song and I know she likes the colors... so I want to make my first pair of socks and then give them to her.
Also working on a cardi for Jamie as last week I finished off a cardi for Maddie. She loves it and wears it all the time. I'm soooooo proud. It's my first effort that is finished before she's too big for it. Only took me almost two years. In my defence I DID finish three other sweaters AND had a baby during that time. (that's three sweaters for her) Anyhow back to the cardi. It's from the new RYC Classic Bambino book 12. Called bobby. But I'm using Debbie Bliss cathay instead. Have about 3 inches since last night. Whoo hoo I'm on a roll.
Hmm. Enough for now. I'm sure whomever you are reading you're confused as I've got no other details published. That's later tonight. Promise.